Khmer New Year Celebration [Lowell Sun & Noteworthy]

Element Care is proud to host Khmer New Year festivities at our Lowell PACE Center every year with Lowell Community Health Center. We had an amazing dance performance by Angkor Dance Troupe this year. As well, our guests and participants enjoyed traditional Khmer food and music!

Noteworthy Article and Dance Video Link [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

Lowell Sun Video and Photos [By clicking the links, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

Element Care on Billerica Access Television

Hear from our Strategic Partnerships & Business Development Manager, Judy Mackey on the great benefits offered by PACE at Element Care.

[Link to Video] [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]


Element Care on WCAP: Chamber Chat Segment

Cynthia Smith – Senior Community Liaison at Element Care  talks about the PACE model of Care with Danielle McFadden – President & CEO of Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce.

[Link to Audio] [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

Element Care 7th Annual PACE Olympics [Beverly Citizen]

The 7th annual Element Care PACE Olympics was held on Oct. 25 at Danvers Indoor Sports Complex, bringing 84 Massachusetts residents, all over 57 years of age, from the North Shore and Merrimack Valley out to participate. [Link to Article] [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

Element Care wins Program Innovation of the Year Award [LeadingAge]

We won the Program Innovation of the Year Award at LeadingAge Massachusetts Annual Membership Meeting for our avatar companion program (technology by

Program Innovation of the Year award is given for the development and implementation of a creative and innovative program measurably benefiting residents/clients and/or staff.

We are humbled to be recognized for our efforts in helping our participants continue to live safely at home!

More information on Avatar Program is HERE

Element Care, Mill City Grows celebrate partnership for seniors [Lowell Sun]

Element Care, in partnership with Mill City Grows, celebrated our Urban Rooftop Garden opening on Oct 3rd, 2018.

Link to Article [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

Link to Video [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

LeadingAge: Technology for Community

Element Care’s Avatar program featured in LeadingAge article on Technology for Community – Section: Putting Avatars to Good Use.

Link to Article [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

Carol Pallazolla Wins Unsung Heroine Award [Gloucester Times]

Element Care’s Education and Outreach Coordinator, Carol Pallazolla was recognized for her efforts in helping seniors at the Unsung Heroine Awards.

Link to Article [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]

For the Elderly Who Are Lonely, Robots Offer Companionship [Wall Street Journal]

Element Care’s Avatar Program for the elderly featured in Wall Street Journal

Link to Full Article [PDF]

The caregivers’ dilemma [Daily Item]

A story on how PACE helps caregivers by Lynn Daily Item featuring Lisa Losanno, a caregiver for an Element Care participant.

Link to Article [By clicking the link, you will be leaving Element Care’s website and are going to a website not operated by Element Care]